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MuleSoft – Continuous Integration and Delivery

Making technical changes to app or website code at any stage of development can be a tricky business! That’s why effective Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is essential for successfully building and maintaining any application, website, or piece of software.

But what exactly is efficient CI and CD? And what are the best GitHub Branching Strategies for supporting them? Pavan Kumar will be answering those very questions (plus more) in our new MuleSoft CI/CD blog series.

* After reading our eBook you will know:
– The basics of Continuous Integration and Delivery, and why they are important.
– The foundations of different branching strategies and version control systems.
– The best GitHub branching strategies for different objectives and outcomes.


Pavan Nagineni

Senior MuleSoft Consultant

If you would like to discuss CI/CD further and learn how to implement GitHub Actions, then get in touch with one of our experts.