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Keep Emerging Tech on Your Radar

Keeping up with the pace of the rapidly changing tech landscape isn’t easy and making tech-related decisions for your organisation can feel overwhelming. Devoteam’s TechRadar is the opinionated tool that aims to help you decide on which technologies you need to hold out on, assess, start a trial with, or adopt completely.

Register and receive the Devoteam TechRadar today.

About the Radar

What’s a TechRadar?

And what’s in it for you?

Devoteam’s TechRadar is a mapping and categorisation of a set of emerging technologies that are on the horizon of the complex digital world. This tool will help you see the tech through the eyes of our experts so you can make informed decisions to best navigate your business challenges.

The Methodology

The Process Behind the Devoteam TechRadar

Our community of experts provide a savvy view of emerging technologies and assess them based on their level of maturity in the market and feasibility for your organisation. Each technology has a write-up that helps you understand the topic to help guide you in your decision making.

How should you read it?

Understanding the Devoteam TechRadar

Devoteam TechRadar is segmented by what we consider as the biggest challenges to becoming a digital company. You can browse the sections that interest you the most to get our experts’ sharp views and check out their assessments when it comes to the maturity readiness of the technologies listed. They have been sorted as follows: hold, assess, trial and adopt.

Global Overview

 Tech that should be on your radar  

300 technologies narrowed down to the 130 most impactful

Collaboration from thousands of tech minds

Built by our whole organisation of 8500 Devoteamers

Expertly selected for your success

Of that Devoteamer community, 63 Tech Leaders featured

Themes of this Edition


The cloud is more than a technology. As centralised approaches can no longer handle the colossal amounts of information required today, the cloud is now a necessity for understanding complexity. Many of the solutions presented in this Tech Radar are part of the evolution of cloud services moving towards decentralisation in form of small blocks, microservices, containers and functions which are operated by increasingly autonomous teams.


To enable everyone to exploit the latest technologies and focus as much as possible on business issues, the vast majority of technologies in this Tech Radar all seek to make things easier. They do this through automation, AI, and user-friendly interfaces. But, what seems simple on the surface might be far more complex underneath.


Timing seems to be the most crucial aspect of any modern business product, especially with the rise of lean design and agile go-to-market strategies. Consequently, speed is the common denominator for the technologies in the Devoteam Tech Radar. With many of the featured technologies being open-source, we can expect that they will grow as fast as the community needs them to.


As technology affects all aspects of life, it is natural that all aspects of life should in turn affect technology. Technology is now expected to confront the sustainability issues our society faces. Sustainability continues to become a focus of tech players, regardless of their size.

What our Contributors Say

Laurent Letourmy

Head of Data – France

In a world where innovation is booming more than ever, using the right tech can bring incredible value to business users and create a real impact. It’s incredibly important for our team to empower you with modern and powerful tech solutions. I’m happy to share our thoughts on these data technologies and solutions with our readers.

Philippe Bournhonesque

VP of Innovative Development – Corporate

Tech is moving fast, and with hundreds of new technologies appearing each year, choosing what’s right for your organization is challenging. That’s why we’ve gathered the opinions of all of our tech leadership and consultants in the field to help you decide how to move forward.

Gert Jan Van Halem

CTO – Netherlands

Helping to shape our TechRadar was very interesting. Being able to connect with different people, discussing all kinds of technology, gave me great new insights into the state of the tech world. I hope this will have the same effect for you if you read the Tech Radar. And if you ever feel like discussing one of these items, let me know!

Christos Votskos

Tech Lead – Innovative Tech / Data Architect

I am very thankful and proud to be a member of this pool of huge talents that contribute to the tech radar. It’s full of passion, brilliant minds and fun that generates such a high value.

Bruno Tavares

CTO – Portugal

The current technology ecosystem is very extensive and it evolves and changes at an incredible pace. This makes it hard to navigate and to identify trends or innovative approaches. It’s very rewarding to contribute to this tech radar and make it a compass to this complex and populated ecosystem.

Our Strategic Domains

Digital Business and Products

Accelerate your business by adopting the new rules of digital. Shape innovative digital businesses, performant products and remarkable experiences enabled by technology.

Data-Driven Intelligence

Drive tangible business outcomes with data and analytics at every opportunity. Differentiate your products, services and customer experiences and surpass your competition with an insight-based approach.

Distributed Cloud

Cloud is arriving at a pivotal moment in its development. After the time of experimentation, followed by a period of valid but desultory use, companies arrive at a time of rationalisation so as to maximise its benefits and make it their platform of transformation into a “digital company.”

Business Automation

Take your business to the next level. Streamline business processes to connect people, with more efficient tools and smarter systems.

Trust & Cybersecurity

Inspire trust with a ‘cybersecurity at scale’ strategy. Understand your evolving threat landscape and swiftly address business risks to evolve with adequate measures and ultimate security features.

Sustainability Enabled by Digital

Turn ESG theory into action. Understand your impact. Implement responsible strategies throughout your company and discover untapped potential through sustainable practices.

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Any questions?

It is an opinionated guide meant to help companies navigate the challenges of tech. The information within the TechRadar is based on our expert view of emerging technologies that you should have on your radar in 2022. Our best tech leaders have compiled this list from their own market watch, where they’re always keeping an eye on the future, or from their day-to-day work and experience.

Devoteam’s TechRadar is not a market study, it’s sole aim is to provide you with the information that you need to make your own decision for the future of your business.

It is intended for tech professionals, aspiring talents, and complete beginners alike. Those who can get the most out of this tool are business leaders who have a need to gain an understanding of the technological options available to solve their business challenges.

The six segments of the Devoteam TechRadar (Digital Business & Products, Data-Driven Intelligence, Distributed Cloud, Business Automation, Trust & Cybersecurity, and Sustainability enabled by Digital) represent what Devoteam sees as the most crucial areas of business in the modern tech world. Each of them is an area in which we operate and focus our efforts to improve and expand digital capabilities for our customers.

Each of the technologies featured has been suggested by our community of tech leaders and that list has then been narrowed down to the top emerging technologies that we think all businesses should have on their radar. We assessed their technology readiness and determined each technology’s ring level, based on our opinion. This doesn’t mean that any of the technologies are good or bad. Something that may be “on hold” today can move to another ring next year.

The ring levels for the Devoteam TechRadar are as follows:

HOLD – Proceed with caution. We recommend waiting to see how the technology develops further.

ASSESS – Worth investigating to understand how it might affect your organisation.

TRIAL – Worth pursuing. You might want to try this technology on a beta project to understand how to develop this capability at scale.

ADOPT – We strongly believe that this technology should be adopted by the industry. We use it whenever appropriate in our projects.

The market moves so fast that it would be hard to have an exhaustive list, so we chose, for comprehensive purposes as well as space constraints, to focus on the ones that we feel are already or will be game-changers for businesses. There are plenty of technologies that we like and use all the time that aren’t on the Radar because they’ve already established themselves into a long-earned place in the market.

In order to be informed about future editions of the Devoteam TechRadar, please sign up for this newsletter.

Devoteam is a leading consulting firm focused on digital strategy, platform technologies, cybersecurity and business transformation to help organisations unlock their future.

With 25 years of experience and more than 8,500 employees across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Devoteam promotes responsible Tech for people.